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Professional BachelorInformation Technologies for Sustainable Development

Tuition fee €2,500 per year
Application fee €160 one-time

Non refundable

Deposit €500 one-time
Dormitory fee €127 per month

It requires to pay additional 100 EUR for Dormitory deposit.

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Academic Profile

Information technologies for sustainable development are an area within the discipline of information technologies. Solutions for sustainable development are important component for future development of societies that comes hand in hand with smart management of resources, preserving environment, etc. This study programme provides knowledge of information technologies with focus on sustainability of software and hardware solutions created.

In this programme students learn to design interdisciplinary software solutions with quality aspect in mind throughout the design process.

Courses are carried out in specially designed laboratories that focus on software development and quality assurance as well students spend one year internship in large worldwide known IT companies, such as Accenture, Tele2, Emergn Latvia, with options to join and establish IT start-ups or join emerging companies.

Career opportunities

Most commonly graduates of this programme work as software developers, system analysts, ICT project managers and testers in international and domestic ICT companies and state authority establishments. Graduates may work also as IoT hardware programmers, e-commerce solutions developers, computer graphic designers, etc.

Bachelor’s degree entitles graduates to continue studies in the Master’s study programme according to the programme requirements in Latvia or worldwide.

Apply now! Autumn semester 2024/25
Application period has ended
Studies commence
2 Sept 2024
Apply now! Autumn semester 2024/25
Application period has ended
Studies commence
2 Sept 2024